Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Dangerous Is Your Cell Phone?

The link between prolonged cell phone use and brain tumors is a widely debated topic. It has been studied extensively in Europe for many years, however it seems to have flown under the radar in the U.S. Conspiracy theorists would argue that this is due to the big cell phone companies keeping a lid on the harmful findings. But recently more and more reports in the U.S. have been surfacing regarding the highly debated topic.

Recent reports include the World Health Organization (WHO) announcing a 10-year study that has provided significant findings that link long-term cell phone usage to an increased risk of brain cancer and tumors. Also, the new February 2010 issue of GQ has a great article about the microwaves that are emitted from cell phones and how an Investment Banker on Wall Street believes his brain tumor was linked to prolonged cell phone use. There has also been speculation that late Senator Kennedy’s brain tumor could have been linked to his long-term cell phone use.

All of these findings and speculations have brought concern to individuals who spend a substantial amount of time on their cell phones. Some cell phones have higher SAR levels than others. According to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, SAR is specific absorption rate and is a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body. CNET posted a review for the 20 highest-radiation cell phones.

A product that has been making some noise because of its tremendous upside is Safe Cell Phone’s SAR Shield. Safe Cell Phone’s SAR Shield can reduce potentially harmful radiation waves by upwards of 89%. It’s the only tested, FCC-approved device proven to lessen SAR levels.

The SAR Shield is about the size of a quarter and fits on the back of your cell phone with adhesive tape. It also fits under most cell phone cases because of its sleek design. It retails for about $15 dollars and can be purchased directly from The product is a smart investment for anyone that uses a cell phone as it has potential to decrease the radiation levels your cell phone emits.

While the expert opinions vary on the direct correlation of prolonged cell phone use and brain tumors, it remains clear that more research is needed as most of the 300 million cell phone uses just recently started using cell phones within the past 5 to 10 years.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Searching for Dinning and Nightlife in Rhode Island Just Got Easier

These days, Rhode Islanders have enough things to worry about like the unemployment rate and Iway traffic. Deciding on places to go out at night shouldn’t have to be one of them. And now with the launch of it doesn’t have to be.

The Rhode Island website offers a hyper local search for premier restaurants, bars, and clubs. currently has over eighty different establishments featured on their site. Searchable options on the site allow the user to browse for specific types of venues. See what venues are busiest, have a college crowd, offer dining, etc.

The website is set up to provide each participating venue with a customized interface that allows them to easily upload the content they want to share with viewers and potential customers. Local Rhode Island establishments that aren’t currently on the site can get into the action by contacting at

So far, my experience with the site has been very positive. is extremely active on social media sites like FaceBook, Twitter and MySpace. They’ve responded to any questions I’ve had regarding hotspots to check out on certain nights and made me aware of a new Rhode Island restaurant that I ended taking my girlfriend to and having a great meal.

They’ve also done a great job with inbound marketing and rank near the top of search engines for key words related to dinning, restaurants, clubs and nightlife in Rhode Island.

It’s definitely a site worth checking out. You can also check them out on FaceBook and Twitter.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Changing Media Landscape

Over the past six years we have seen a major shift in the way we access information, share that information and communicate with others. With the launch of new media sites/ social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook we're able to share information as it happens. The shift from print to digital has had huge impact on newspaper industry. It's sad to say but my generation may have been the last generation to grow up with our parents reading the daily paper. Now I check my local paper's website and receive RSS feeds for content that I'm interested in. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy reading the Sunday paper but now I'm able to access faster online. Why would someone pay for content when they can access it for free? This has been mindset of my generation. We have access to free content from blogs and sharing sites. We're able to find what we want online for free. More importantly we access things when we want it and how we want it. We access content from our laptops and mobile devices on the go. It's a double edge sword for the newspaper industry because while the circulation numbers have decreased for many papers, online viewership is at an all time high. I believe this changing landscape has helped our society to become more informed on daily issues as well as provided us with new platforms to communicate with others. So for me, this changing landscape is for the better. It has provided us with more opportunities to interact with our investors, customers, other businesses and media.

The following video titled "Did You Know 4.0" takes a deeper look at this shift in media.